Consent to waive the right to withdraw from the contract
Consent to start providing the service
Buyer (according to the data entered in the order): ......................................... ........................
by checking the checkbox, he/she grants the seller: online s.r.o., Hrabová 285/7, Sokoľ, 04431, ID: 53 501 624, e-mail:
express consent to the commencement of the service provision or electronic content before the expiration
period for withdrawal from the contract and waiver of the right to withdraw from the contract concluded under
the act no. 102/2014 Coll. on the protection of consumers in respect of the sale of goods or the provision of services
on the basis of a distance or off-premises contract
and amending certain laws.
Instruction: by giving consent to start providing the service before the expiration period for withdrawal from the contract, the buyer loses the right to withdraw from the contract after the full provision of the service.
Date: ……………………